Sunday, March 22, 2020

Lenz-Georg Buechner (In German) Essays - , Term Papers

Lenz-Georg Buechner (In German) Lenz Der psychisch leidende Schriftsteller Lenz gelangt nach einem Fu?marsch durchs Gebirge zum Pfarrer Oberlin in Waldbach. Dort wird er freundlich aufgenommen, versp?rt aber bereits in der Nacht wieder gro?e Unruhe. Sein n?chtliches Bad im Brunnen schreckt die M?gde auf. In den n?chsten Tagen begleitet er Oberlin auf dessen Besuche, immer wieder wird er von Angstzust?nden heimgesucht. Von Oberlin, der von seinem Theologiestudium erfahren hat, aufgefordert, h?lt er an einem Sonntag in der Kirche die Predigt, ger?t aber dadurch noch mehr in innere Aufruhr. Bei einem Besuch seines Freundes Kaufmann legt er sein ?sthetisches Konzept einer lebensnahen Kunst dar. Allm?hlich werden Lenz' Zust?nde h?ufiger und akuter. W?hrend einer n?chtlichen Wanderung gelangt er in eine H?tte, wo ein krankes M?dchen bei einem angeblich ?ber paranormale Kr?fte verf?genden Mann untergebracht ist. Er ?bernachtet dort und kehrt verwirrt nach Waldbach zur?ck. Einige Tage sp?ter erf?hrt er vom Tod eines Kindes in F ouday. Im Bergewand begibt er sich dorthin und versucht, es wieder zum Leben zu erwecken. Mehrmals erz?hlt er andeutungsweise von einer ungl?cklichen Liebesgeschichte und ist ?berzeugt, Friederike, seine Geliebte, sei gestorben. Als Lenz' geistige Verwirrung weiter zunimmt und mehrere Selbstmordversuche folgen, entschlie?t sich Oberlin, ihn nach Stra?burg zu bringen. Die Novelle endet mit der Fahrt dorthin, der inzwischen von drei M?nnern bewachte Lenz ist in absolute Apathie verfallen. Book Reports

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Bob McDonnell essays

Bob McDonnell essays Bob McDonnell is running for Attorney General in 2005. He will, if elected, be replacing Jerry Kilgore, a fellow Republican. Mr. McDonnell served for twenty-one years in the United States Army in active duty as well as the reserves retiring at the rank of Lt. Colonel. He has served in the House of Delegates as a representative from Virginia Beach for thirteen years. Paul and I got there about ten minutes late but luckily nothing had happened yet. We noticed the news camera there, which left halfway through his speech. We all got signs with his name on it and below his name Republican appeared. Why is this necessary? I do not think that it should matter what party a candidate is in instead they should be judged upon the issues at hand. All it does is perpetuate a two party system in which many people are not really heard. They just vote for the lesser of two evils. Of course there are many people that full heartedly support candidates. This is one of the reasons that we have such a low voting rate in this country. Before Bob got to the podium two other people stood up there and rambled for a few minutes on how great of a guy he is. He started off by talking of the founding fathers saying George Washington is his hero. Then he spoke of the rising meth usage in southwest Virginia saying that he wants to raise mandatory minimum sentences. Later in his speech he said that he wanted to give judges more sentencing options in cases involving juveniles. This seemed slightly contradictory to me. He wants to bind judges hands in one area but allow them more leeway in another. Personally I am against mandatory minimum sentences as it does not allow a judge to look at a case and make and appropriate decision with the sentencing given different circumstances. Especially in the realm of drug enforcement when too often people are charged with intent to distribute because they have a certain amount of the drug. Distribution was ...