Thursday, January 2, 2020

Grief And Grief By Mark Twain - 1410 Words

Mark twain once said, â€Å"The fear of death follows from the fear of the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die.† ( K.Costolnic, K.Baldwin, J.Dutton, quotes on death,par.3, 2011) But, are we really prepared? Death is inevitable and with it comes the grief, which for some may be a great burden, Merriam-Webster defines grief as â€Å"deep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement† (2012, par.1). Grief is a process that, while an incredibly unique process, is an inevitable stage for all those living a life surrounded by those they love, cherish and value. This paper will examine the five stages of grief and how other varying cultures handle death and grieving. Hopefully, providing a better understanding of how grief works in our own individual worlds and the worlds of others around us. With the stages of grief come: Denial and Isolatoin, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and finally acceptance.(Axleford,J. 2006) Firmly put, there is no â€Å"right† or â€Å"wrong† way to grieve. The process itself is just that, a process and is met by each person on an individual basis. The denial and isolation stage brings an almost intentional effort to ignore all the information surrounding the diagnosis or loss, Dr. Dr. Kubler-Ross states that this is a temporary response to get through the first preliminary surge of pain. Anger, is an inevitable emotion in the face of death, this is one that can usually be expected to follow the initial denial. Looking for something or someone toShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Mark Twain s The Five Boons Of Life 1091 Words   |  5 PagesValue in Life Mark Twain was one of many great authors of his time. Twain was born November 30, 1835 (â€Å"Literary Analysis†).Twain had grown up in Missouri, one of only fifteen slave states, during the Civil War. 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